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How to Create a Group Email List in Outlook: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create a Group Email List in Outlook Desktop (Windows/Mac)

Alright, let’s get down to business. Launch that Outlook desktop app on your Windows or Mac machine, and let’s roll up our digital sleeves.

Step 1: Open Contacts and Select “New Contact Group”

First things first; let’s head over to the People icon sitting snug at the bottom left of your navigation pane. Give it a click, then zero in on Contacts within your folder list—think of it as selecting the right tool from your toolbox. Up next, that New Contact Group is waiting for you in the Home tab toolbar, so go ahead and click it. If you’re feeling fancy, you can also right-click the Contacts folder for the same outcome. A little like taking a shortcut through the park on your morning commute.

Step 2: Name the Contact Group

Time to christen your new digital gathering. Click over to the New Contact Group window and type in a name that could win a branding competition. “Book Club Members” sounds sufficiently bookish if that’s your vibe. Remember, you’re looking for a moniker that perfectly captures the essence of your troupe, like a catchy team or project name.

Step 3: Add Members to the Contact Group

Now, let’s populate this ghost town. Click on Add Members and choose ‘From Outlook Contacts’ to flip open your virtual rolodex. Handpick the lucky participants and click OK to seal the deal. Got a newcomer? No problem! Click New E-mail Contact, and type in their name and email address. This part’s like setting the table for dinner guests––only you’re serving up delightful emails instead of appetizers.

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Step 4: Save the Contact Group

With your contacts all snug in their new group, it’s time to seal it with a Save & Close click in the New Contact Group window. And voilà, your group now graces the Contacts folder, ready for its digital debut.

Step 5: Send an Email to the Group

Alright, let the emailing begin! Hit that New Email button with the passion of a Shakespearean actor taking the stage. Summon your group name into the To field like invoking a magic spell. Now, compose that message with the finesse of a poet and hit Send. Watch in awe as your email whisks away to your group members with the effortless grace of a paper plane.

How to Create a Group List in Outlook Web

Switching gears, let’s tackle the Outlook web method—fast, sleek and done right from your browser, no heavy app lifting required.

Step 1: Navigate to People > New Group

Hover your mouse like a hawk over People in the left navigation pane, then make a swoop down to New group lurking below Groups. Feeling shortcut-ish? Hit that plus icon next to Groups and you’re golden.

Step 2: Configure Group Settings

In the pop-up New group window, we’re setting the stage. Assign a name that’ll stick in people’s minds like the chorus of a hit song. Decide on privacy—remember, ‘Private‘ is like whispering secrets, ‘Public‘ is shouting from the rooftops. If you want emails and events to cozy up in members’ inboxes, check or uncheck that option. Slap on a Classification if you’re in the mood—like slapping a bow on a gift, it just adds something special.

Step 3: Add Group Members

Hit that Add members button and choose your contacts like picking your dream team in gym class. Search by name, check off those who make the cut, and once satisfied, click Save—because every good dream team needs a solid roster.

Step 4: Send an Email to the Group

It’s showtime! Click New message with more determination than a New Year’s resolution. Summon your newly forged group name onto the To field’s grand stage. Unleash your inner wordsmith and compose an email that could win literary awards, or just get the job done. Click Send and take a bow—your email is off to stardom, straight to every member’s inbox.

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Managing Your Contact Groups

Now, let’s talk managing your email ensemble like the maestro of an orchestra.

Add or Remove Members

Fancy changing the lineup? Click your group in Contacts, then Edit Contact in the top menu. Play with the member list like a puzzle, then Save & Close. Members come, and members go—such is the circle of digital life.

Organize Groups into Folders

Keep it tidy—sort your groups into folders like a librarian with a flair for order. Right-click in Contacts, choose New Folder, and give it a name. Then click and drag groups into their new home. Picture an “Events” folder where each event gets its own little cubbyhole.

Update Groups Regularly

Every so often, give your groups a spring cleaning to keep contacts fresh and up-to-date. It’s like making sure your kitchen spices aren’t from the last century. Before sending out those mass emails, double-check for accuracy like a detective on a case.

Create a Naming Convention

Consistency is key—so establish a naming ritual like “Group – Book Club” or “Group – Soccer Team Parents.” It’s like labelling your spice jars; it just makes life easier.

Export and Import Groups

If your groups are hitting the road to another email program, export them to a CSV file like packing a suitcase, then import them into the new destination. Just right-click, select Export, and you’re off. The digital version of moving houses, but less backbreaking.
